Top Five Fabulous!  January 24, 2020

1   We went to five different activities for the Chinese New Year! There were so many parent volunteers to help us at each of the stations.  The stations were: making lanterns, playing restaurant (making spring rolls and dumplings out of playdoh for our customers), train race across China, giant bingo and learning about zodiac animals.  It was so much fun to move through the school with our teams of kids from kindergarten to grade 6!
2   In science, we finished off our floating habitats and then we tested them to make sure that they would float.  We drew a picture in our visual journal to show how we would get food and water if we really lived on our floating habitat.
3   In math, we have been working on our doubles +1 (for example 4+5=9).  We also used our mental math strategies to add the number of shapes that we used in our shape monster.  We built numbers using cool 10 sided double dice to show numbers from 0-99.  We used our place value mats, place value cards, hundred chart and number lines.
4   In PE, we had a few different student teachers.  These are students who reached 100 on their home reading and they chose to teach the class PE.  These teachers chose to play different games in the gym.

5   So many of the kids were REALLY focused during our Daily Five. Some of them wrote 2 pages in their journal describing a game that they like to play at recess.  The kids were so focused and we were able to pull quite a few popsicle sticks.  We have earned another PJ day!  Stay tuned for the date and note in our agendas.