Top Five Fabulous!
  1.  In math, we read the book, “A Bad Case of the Stripes”.  We started to talk about patterns.  We know that they must repeat and all patterns have a core (the part that we have before it starts to repeat).  The children learned about more complex patterns (for example AABCCD).  We started to make our own patterns on our hand tracings.  We also went on a pattern walk about side.  Please see some of the photos below.  
  2. In literacy, we learned how to buddy read.  We have to sit EEKK (elbow to elbow and knee to knee), the book needs to be in the middle so that we can both see, we use a whisper voice when we are reading and we stick in one spot.  We will continue to practice this all year long.
  3. We read a book called, "The Friend Ship".  It was a really funny book, and it talked about including others to show belonging.  We wrote about what we can do to do show that we are a kind friend and we drew a picture to accompany our words.  We talked about our classroom community and why it is so important to all of us to show that we are kind friends!
  4. We read so many books this week.  Two of the books that we read were , “David Goes to School” and “Lacey Walker, Non Stop Talker”.   We were discussing expected behaviour at school.  We came up with SO MANY ideas to help us have a successful school year together.  We learned what it means to show 5 (ask me what that means), how to use our hands to share our ideas so that our thought bubbles don’t pop and how to listen to our teachers and friends (because we learn from both our teachers and our friends).  These are just a few of the ideas.  Ask me to share more with you at home!
  5. We did another math activity this week.  We read, “Happy Birthday Chloe”.  We created a person to look just like us.  We learned how to do our best work so that we were proud, and also how to listen to feedback to improve our work.  After we created our person, we coloured a cake and put our birthday on the cake.  We then organized all of the people by creating a graph of seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter).  Ask me which was the most common birthday season in my class.