
Hello everyone, We will be starting our online learning next week.  Children in grades K-3 will be expected to complete a maximum of 1 hour of school work each day.  I will post assignments to complete in literacy (reading and writing) and math.  As part of our reading, we will be using Razkids.  In order to access this online reading site you can go to: 1. 2. Teacher's user name: Midnapore16 3. Find your name and enter your student password.  These passwords will be sent home in a different email If you need further support, please do not hesitate to contact me via email. Thank you in advance for all of your support as we work through these challenging times together. Jennifer Reyes
If you have chosen to remain at home this week, please see the list of activities that you can do. 1.      Read a good book each day 2.      Have your parent/guardian read a book to you and create a picture as you visualize 3.      Keep a journal 4.      Write a letter to a friend at school 5.      Create your own word search 6.      Teach your family how to Buddy Read (EEKK) 7.      Teach your parents/guardians how to play a math game (Ten Tens, Triple X knockout, Guess my Number, War) 8.      For science and social studies next week, we will be researching arctic animals and how they survive in the winter.    Pick an animal and find out some information by using 9.      Check out our wonders and have a discussion with your families 10.    Check ...
Top Five Fabulous!  March 13, 2020 1.      In art, we worked on our Paul Klee art.  We have really had to persevere as it has been a lot of work!  While we are colouring, we are using small strokes in one direction and blister colouring.  We cannot wait to show you our masterpiece. 2.    In PE, we have been working on gymnastics skills.  We have been practicing our pencil rolls, and our logs rolls, dismounts and balances. We put all of this together with a group to come up with a routine that we presented in front of the class.  We had to work well with our group, and make sure that we shared our ideas, and also listened to the ideas of our friends. 3.    In math, we are working with numbers up to and including one hundred.  We played ‘Guess my Number’.  We could ask: Is it even or odd?  Is it greater or less than _____?  What is the sum of the ...
Top Five Fabulous!  March 6, 2020 1.    In PE, we have been learning gymnastics skills.  We were working on our movements around the gym, and then balancing using our cores. We had to listen for a movement, and a number to show that point balance.  For example, skipping and 8 would mean skipping around the gym and then finding an 8 point balance.  2.    In science, we have been learning about how water evaporates.  We conducted a few different experiments.  In one of them, we put ice cubes on black paper and then white paper and put them in the sun.  The ice melted really quickly when it was on the black paper as the black paper absorbed the heat.  We also talked about how to keep our water clean and safe.  We read the book, “The Water Princess” and watched a video. Check it out under our wonders. 3.    In art, we have been learning about a new artist....
Top Five Fabulous         Feb. 28 1. In PE we had a guest teacher.    He taught gym because he reached 100 on his reading treasure map.    He decided what games our class would be playing.    Also he explained what expectations he was looking in order to choose which classmates would be helpers. 2. In math, we used a mystery box to guess which 3D object was inside it.    We brainstormed a few questions to ask to figure out what object might be in the box.    The questions were: How many faces does the object have? How many edges does the object have? How many vertices does the object have?    What shapes are faces?    What could the object be used for? 3.    On Wednesday we had a sharing assembly.    In our assembly, a few of the grade 5/6 students shared “Would You Rather…” writing.    They were funny.    The grade 4’s and kinderg...
Top Five Fabulous!  February 21, 2020 1.    We looked at a new wonder this week.  This wonder was connected to science.  We learned a new science vocabulary word “camouflage”.  We looked at pictures of animals, in the wild, and they were camouflaged with their surroundings.  We talked about what we noticed and what we wondered.  Check out the wonder under the “Wonder Tab”. 2.    In math, we read a few really funny books about 2D shapes.  One of them was called, “Animal Shapes” and then we came up with a 2D shape, and animal and a name for the combination of the two, using our imaginations. Ask me what my shape was called. We also read “Square” and “Triangle”. 3.    We had the Calgary Opera come to our school this week.  The Opera was called, “The Brennan Musicians”.  We liked that at the end, it was a happy ending and it was funny.  The peo...
Top Five Fabulous!  February 12, 2020 1.    We celebrated our 100 th day of learning.   We are 100 days smarter.  Many of the kids dressed like they were 100 years old and we had a lot of fun working through different centres with the grade 2 teachers.  We made bookmarks, we built things using 100 objects, and we read, ‘Not a Box’ before making our own ‘Not a 100’.  Ask me what I made. 2.    In math, we made a blueprint of a structure using 3D objects.  We had to use cones, cylinders, cubes, prisms and pyramids.  After making our blueprint, we had a chance to actually build our structure.  Some kids also worked on their 2D shapes using geoboards.  We will continue this work next week. 3.    In science, we tested different liquids to determine which ones would mix.  We discovered that oil and water do not mix, but water and juice would mix. The o...